Observations on the HR Community’s Response to COVID-19

by | Apr 2, 2020 | Partners International News

As I reflect during this time of coronavirus, I have such deep respect for my Human Resources Clients/Colleagues that are on the front lines every day, supporting their employees through this unprecedented moment. Your ability to demonstrate empathy in action by meeting each employee where they are while also keeping business objectives moving forward is inspiring. My wish for each of you is that you are taking care of yourselves during these challenging days.

To my Team at Partners International; I am grateful for the consistency you each demonstrate everyday to best serve our clients through their Career and Life Transitions and Development as Leaders by taking our brand, high touch model of service delivery to an all together different level during this time of being fully virtual. Though a tough time for us all, I believe great learnings will come out of this experience that would never have stretched us otherwise.

Amy Friedman

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