News & Thoughts

Stay up-to-date on the latest best practices for talent and transition services and news from Partners International.

Outplacement’s Impact on Brand Reputation

Providing Career Transition Coaching to Exiting Employees is Key to Protecting and Enhancing Your Brand While many organizations see outplacement programs as a step on a checklist, recent events at Billboard, where laid-off employees hacked the company website, show...

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Reduce Career Transition Stress Through Mindful Practice

Job Search isn’t too stressful, right? Living in ambiguity, not sure what will happen is generally very uncomfortable. Add in today’s stress of a new “normal,” not knowing when we will get back to being around people, stores and businesses reopening, and potential job...

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Building Resilience During Transition

“The only constant is change.” Heraclitus, 500 B.C. The wisdom of the ages has much to teach us.  If it is true that the only constant is change, what are the implications for you?  If the only thing we can count on not changing is change itself, then it may...

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The Middlests: What it Means to Feel Behind in Your Career

Partners International Senior Career Consultant Anne Baker recently spoke on The Middlest Podcast about the issue of feeling behind in your career and the different causes that lead us there. With so much access to other people's lives and careers through social...

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Employment Age Bias and LinkedIn

Older jobseekers today especially feel that has been magnified by on-line career services and right at the top of that list is LinkedIn. Could it be that this view is driven more by usage behavior than an increase of age-related bias?

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